Over 30 years of market success!
Since 1985 MDS Gateways has been a proven vendor of leading communication products for small to medium sized enterprises (SME's) with a global sales network to market-dominating telecoms, network providers and distributors.
As strategic supplier to numerous and market-leading clients, MDS Gateways stands for innovation, continuity, flexibility, reliability and loyalty, which is resembled by the long-established and enhanced business relationships with its partners.
With our secure and future-proof products we contribute to a significant extent our partners missions to enhance their individual market positions.
With the MDS Amiba cloud communication platform our customers enter the most productive form of Unified Communications & Collaboration (UCC) between colleagues, partners and clients, irrespective where they are located at any time. We enable best-possible availability, mobility and global reach or all our users.
And proven technology can be trusted – our reliable technology is mirrored by an installed base of over 750 thousand telephone systems, which are being engaged by their users without any problems.
Convince yourself how our location-independent collaboration options between employees within one company or of several enterprises enable a new quantum leap in joint communications with highest possible productivity gains.
Some of our reknown partners
Collaborative communications made easy – by MDS Amiba.